Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What is my Theology ?!



耶穌傳給門徒,由使徒留傳下來的遺產,現在失存了嗎?耶穌所設立的教會在那?在二千年的思想發展,為何演變成五花百門,令人冇所識從的多元教派?為何基督徒在宣講福音的時候,講解救恩復和的訊息時,教會本身就經歷了二千年的分裂和分離?為何現存有那麼多宗派,為何沒有統一合一的基督教會?正如世界顯示”It is”而不是”It's not "一樣,這問題也是沒有答案的。




07 Theology Studies

Jan 30, 2007
After reading this very nice book, I have planned to study about Early Church Theology this year. I think from Apostlic period to around St. Augustin (c. 600AD).
Background studies: Platonic and Neo-Platonic. Key figures like Philo, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, etc.
Regarding this book, contents about early church development is quite nice but the modern part is quite messy and there is no discussion about Orthodox after the separation or Scholastic period.
1. Try to find books about how Hellenistic thoughts influenced New Testament writers.
I think I can go through again the book by Hans Jung "Great Christian Thinkers" at which chapter of St. Paul, the paradigm shift made from Judalsm to Christianity.
2. I must study about the concept of Being and Logos during this period. A very distintive idea about Logos and God.
3. The constrast between East and West, Orthodox and Catholic, Byzantine and Roman.