Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Last Supper

Look deeply into this master piece !

For zoomable version

Left-side Characters (in group of three):

1. Bartholomew, James the Lesser and Andrew

2. Judas Iscariot, Peter and John

Right-side Characters (in group of three)

3. Thomas, James Major and Philip

4. Matthew, Jude Thaddeus and Simon the Zealot

The Last Supper (in Italian, Il Cenacolo or L'Ultima Cena) is a mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci for his patron Duke Lodovico Sforza. It represents the scene of The Last Supper from the final days of Jesus as depicted in the Bible. The painting is based on John 13:21, which Jesus announced that one of his 12 disciples would betray him.

The fresco is 460 × 880 cm and can be found in the refectory of the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy.

Leonardo began work on The Last Supper in 1495 and completed it in 1498 — however, he did not work on the piece continuously throughout this period.


1. The different knotting style of the table cloth:

2. Peter(?)'s left hand was holding a knife

3. Leonardo's self portrait appeared in the painting

4. Where's the cup, the chalice, the holy grail?

According to "The Secret Supper" by Javier Sierra. The sequence of the apostles can unveil a pharse as follows: BELIEVE IT OR NOT !!!!

From Left to Right(Looker View):

1. Bartholomew (Mirabilis- He Who is Miraculous)

2. James the Less (Venustus- He Who is Full of Grace)

3. Andrew (Temperator- He Who Prevents)

4. Judas Iscariot (Nefandus- The Abominable One)

5. Peter (Exosus- He Who Hates)

6. John (Mysticus-He Who Knows the Mystery)

7. Jesus Christ (A)

8. Thomas (Litator- He Who Placates the God)

9. James the Elder (Oboediens- He Who Obeys)

10. Philip (Sapiens- He Who Loves High Matter)

11. Matthew (Navus- He Who is Diligent)

12. Judas Thaddeus (Occultator- He Who Conceals)

13. Simon (Confector- He Who Fulfills)

The order of the alphabets is "MVT NEM A LOS NOC". In Latin, V=U, so the revised order will be "MUTNEMALOSNOC". The secret writing style of Leonardo leads the writing order to be "CONSOLAMENTUM" which means Baptism of Holy Spirit in accordance to Carthars, a heretic religion.

On the right side of the table, there is a different knot from the smooth knot on the right side. On the Left side, it's the most LIGHT and BRIGHT region where Leonardo painted himself as Judas Thaddeus. It's very obvious to convey the region of Gnostic ideas- Dualism, the light and dark, the good and evil, and Leonardo is at the bright side.