Wednesday, July 04, 2007

生命中不可能承受的輕 (2) - 永劫回歸

July 4, 2007

有學者認為尼采Nietzsche的哲學通滿著永劫回歸(Eternal Recurrence )的思想(而永劫回歸在『生』書首也談論了), Wiki 網對永劫回歸這樣理解『is a concept which posits that the universe has been recurring, and will continue to recur in the exact same self-similar form an incomprehensible and unfathomable number of times. 』 而尼采的觀點:Nietzsche discusses the possibility of eternal recurrence as cosmological truth, but in the works he prepared for publication it is treated as the ultimate method of affirmation. According to Nietzsche, it would require a sincere amor fati (Love of Fate) not simply to endure, but to wish for, the eternal recurrence of all events exactly as they occurred — all the pain and joy, the embarrassment and glory. Nietzsche calls the idea "horrifying and paralyzing," and says that its burden is the "heaviest weight" ("das schwerste Gewicht") imaginable. The wish for the eternal return of all events would mark the ultimate affirmation of life:

尼采曾經也是我的心頭好,好記得大學時花了很多時間看 Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Will to Power, Anti Christ 和一些評論,為什麼會有那麼多人寫尼采的漢語評論集?? 我覺得每個基督徒也應該看看尼采如何說出『上帝已死』,是的,上帝已死!!

對於永劫回歸在『生』書首出現,我立刻想起初中時一位老師跟我說的一個希臘神話『Sisyphus』,Myth of Sisyphus 正正表現了希臘神話中的悲劇精髓,Sisyphus 需要將一塊巨石,推上一個很陡峭的高山,每當將近山頂時,他總會失手,大石就跌回山底,他又要再次重覆,不停重覆這個懲罰。悲劇是充滿了無奈,但正正表現了希臘悲劇對人類的了解,所以這個故事仍然油然記在心中。異鄉人的作者Albert Camus 也寫了一本書叫 Myth of Sisyphus,這本小書我還沒有機會看過,看看圖書館有沒有,借回來看看也好。


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